SparkyLinux 2024.02: New Horizons with XFS and Btrfs Support – BNN Breaking

February 12, 2024: The Debian-based distribution, SparkyLinux, unveils its latest semi-rolling branch update, SparkyLinux 2024.02. This release brings a host of improvements and package upgrades from Debian and Sparky testing repositories, as well as the introduction of support for XFS and Btrfs filesystems in the CLI installer.

Unleashing New Possibilities

The most notable addition in this release is the inclusion of XFS and Btrfs support in the CLI installer. This addresses a previous issue that prevented users from installing SparkyLinux on these filesystems. The new update provides users with more options during installation, allowing them to choose an additional ~500MB /boot partition formatted to ext4. This partition resolves the problem of GRUB bootloader installation on XFS and Btrfs filesystems.

Under the Hood: Enhanced Tools and Features

SparkyLinux 2024.02 features an updated Linux kernel 6.6.13 LTS, the GRUB 2.12 bootloader, PipeWire 1.0.3, and updated packages from the Debian Testing repositories. These updates ensure that users have access to the latest system and multimedia management tools.

Delivering a Seamless Experience

By introducing support for XFS and Btrfs filesystems, SparkyLinux continues to adapt to the evolving needs of its users. The latest update not only resolves previous issues but also provides users with more choices and improved functionality. With its commitment to delivering a lightweight, reliable, and flexible distribution, SparkyLinux proves that it remains at the forefront of innovation in the Linux world.

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