“Budgie Desktop 10.2.6 and Linux Kernel 4.6.4 Arrive at SparkyLinux Repository – Softpedia Daily Update”

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“Linux Kernel 4.6.4 Now Available for All Major Distros – Get Ahead of the Game with These Simple Steps”

As an experienced SEO and highly skilled copywriter, I am pleased to report the recent release of the Linux 4.6.4 kernel for all popular GNU/Linux operating systems. But that’s not all – the Budgie 10.2.6 desktop environment for Solus, Fedora, and openSUSE Leap/Tumbleweed distros is also now available.

While most distributions are not yet ready to update to the latest stable kernel, Arne Exton has made it possible for Slackware-based OS users to access the custom Linux 4.6.4 kernel package for 64-bit systems, including Zenwalk, Slax, and SlackEX.

Though Arch Linux users are still waiting for Linux 4.6.4 to appear in their main stable repositories (currently only found in the Testing repository), SparkyLinux users can now easily upgrade to the latest kernel with these instructions.

First, ensure that you are using the “unstable” repository and then use the appropriate command based on your hardware architecture. For 64-bit systems, use “sudo apt-get install linux-image-sparky-amd64,” for non-PAE 32-bit systems use “sudo apt-get install linux-image-sparky-686,” and for 32-bit PAE systems use “sudo apt-get install linux-image-sparky-686-pae.” It’s that simple.

And as an added bonus, the talented developers at SparkyLinux have also included the newly released Budgie Desktop 10.2.6 from the Solus Project. To upgrade to this new environment, simply use the commands “sudo apt-get update” followed by “sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.” To install Budgie Desktop 10.2.6 from scratch, use “sudo apt-get install budgie-desktop.”

Don’t wait – take your Linux experience to the next level with these updates and enjoy enhanced stability and functionality. Be sure to reboot your system after installing the new kernel. Stay ahead of the game and elevate your Linux OS with these simple steps.

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMid2h0dHBzOi8vbmV3cy5zb2Z0cGVkaWEuY29tL25ld3MvYnVkZ2llLWRlc2t0b3AtMTAtMi02LWFuZC1saW51eC1rZXJuZWwtNC02LTQtbGFuZC1pbi10aGUtc3Bhcmt5bGludXgtcmVwb3MtNTA2MjU0LnNodG1s0gEA?oc=5

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